Parent Handbook
Essential Information for Parents/Guardians
Good communication between home and school is vital to a successful school experience for each child. Questions relating to your child should be directed to the classroom teacher. All teachers have voice mail and an e-mail address. The school has a web page that links directly to each teacher’s e-mail.
Each year, FCPS produces a Handbook for its FCPS families. It contains valuable information you may need throughout the year, including calendars, services, and special programs, the instructional program, and information about starting school. Flint Hill Elementary has produced a handbook that includes some additional notes that are important for our school community.
Our doors will open at 8:35 a.m., after the first bell. At this time, students must report directly to their classroom for the day. If students wish to eat breakfast in the morning, they may do so after they check-in with their teacher. To keep our students safe, they may not arrive at school prior to 8:35 a.m. All students should be seated in their classrooms by the second bell at 8:50 a.m. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:50 a.m. and are required to go directly to the office to receive an “Office Pass.” Parents are required to walk their child(ren) in to
the office if it is after 8:50 a.m.
Absences and Tardies
If your child is going to be absent or late, please contact the school office by phone at (703) 242- 6161. If the parent/guardian does not notify the school of the child’s illness, the absence will be unexcused. FCPS will call you regarding your child’s absence. You may also email absence and/or tardy information to the email address on the school website.
Excused Absence and Tardy - Illness of the student, death in the family, doctor or dentist appointment, and observance of a religious holiday.
Unexcused Absence and Tardy- Family trip, childcare situation, oversleeping, non-school-related activity, traffic, or missed bus.
Change in Dismissal
Is your child going home a different way?
Please, please, please do everything you can to remember to send in a note with your child in the morning indicating the change. If this is not possible, a parent/guardian MUST notify the school office prior to noon on that day. Child going home with another student BOTH children MUST present a note from a parent indicating this change.
Child being picked up by a friend or relative?
We must have a signed note from the parent indicating the full name of the friend or relative. Please add this friend or relative to the list of people permitted to pick up your child’s Emergency Care Card.
*All notes sent into the office must include your child’s first name, last name, and the name of your child’s teacher.
Early Dismissal/Pick Up
Parents/Guardians who need to occasionally pick up children early from school must do so prior to 3:10 p.m. We will not be able to call into classrooms between 3:10 p.m and 3:30 p.m. for early dismissal. Exceptions will only be made for medical emergencies. Parents who are picking their children up early from school must come to the office and sign your child out. The office staff will call down to the classroom to have your child dismissed. Flint Hill will not allow a student to walk home alone during the school day, nor will we release your child to anyone other than a parent or guardian without a written request signed by the enrolling parent or guardian.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Parents are welcome to visit FHES at anytime. All parents and visitors must present a photo ID when signing in at the front office and obtain a badge. This badge must be worn at all times on school property.

Health Information
Students with symptoms (rash, watery and inflamed eyes, fever, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea) should stay home until a doctor evaluates their symptoms and determines whether or not they are contagious. The Fairfax County Department of Health recommends that children remain at home, fever-free for 24 hours without medication after an illness, prior to returning to school.
Please call the Attendance Line at (703) 242-6161 to report your child’s absence. When leaving your message, please state your child’s symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting.
We will call you to pick up your child if he/she exhibits symptoms of illness such as: fever over 100.5 degrees, persistent abdominal pain, vomiting, unexplained rash, diarrhea, or persistent cough. We ask that your child be picked up as soon as possible. It is important to have all emergency numbers up to date in case we cannot reach you.
Prescription and most over-the-counter medications require strict adult supervision. Forms to authorize school staff to administer medication are available in the office and online. This form will require a doctor’s signature. Only parents or guardians may bring medication to and from school. Your child must have the first dose of any new medication at home. A parent or guardian must personally collect any unused portion of the medication. Medications not claimed will be destroyed.
Call our school health aide, Hyun Joo Carter, for more information at (703) 242-6110.
To limit the spread of illnesses, notify the school office if your child gets head lice, strep throat, flu, or other contagious illnesses, and keep him/her at home.
Lunch Information
Prices | Students | Adults |
Breakfast | $1.75 | $2.35 |
Lunch | $3.25 | $4.50 |
These items are available to supplement student lunches. Students must have a school lunch or home lunch to purchase an a la carte item.
- Online: This user-friendly service is free, convenient, private, and secure. Once the account is open, parents can check the fund account at any time.
- Check: Send a check made payable to Flint Hill Food Services to the cafeteria manager in the morning. Include your child’s name and teacher’s name on the memo line of the check. Indicate if you want meals only.
- Cash: Parents may deposit cash in their child’s account or students may pay by cash daily.
FCPS Food and Nutrition Services Office directly mails application forms to families in August. Parents must complete the form EACH YEAR to renew this program. Translated copies are available in the school office.
We welcome parents and younger siblings to eat lunch with your child in the cafeteria. No advance notice is needed; just check in at the office and meet your child’s class in the cafeteria. Please note lunch visitors will not begin until Monday, September 10th. Seating is limited.
Birthdays and Treat Policy
At Flint Hill, we recognize the importance of birthday celebrations while respecting the need for healthy nutrition, and being mindful of students with life-threatening food allergies. In order to best support our students, and the FCPS Wellness recommendations, students’ birthdays will be recognized in other ways than with birthday treats. Teachers will inform parents of this information at the beginning of the year.
Treats during class parties are allowed. Parents of student’s with food allergies are encouraged to talk to the classroom teacher about possible substitutions for treats during class parties.
- Flint Hill Website:
- Falcon Flyer-Weekly Newsletter sent electronically to all Flint Hill families
- Flint Hill Instagram- Follow us on Twitter @FlintHillES to see pictures and hear about exciting events taking place at Flint Hill
- Facebook-
- Tuesday Folders- These are folders that go home weekly with communications from school and class work that your child has completed. Folders should be returned on Wednesdays for use all year.
- Schoology- Each classroom teacher has a Schoology Course(s) where information specific to that class is posted, including homework guidelines, long term projects, upcoming field trips, grade level events, and learning website links for students. Parents can access using their ParentVue Account login.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences- Teachers and parents should schedule a 20 minute conference during the 1st quarter to discuss student academic and social/emotional progress.
- Interim and Quarterly Progress Reports- The quarterly progress report is sent home with students approximately 2 weeks after the end of the quarter. As needed, interim reports are sent home in the middle of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.
- Email and Phone- Parents and teachers should communicate through email and phone as needed. Please allow 24 hours during school days for teachers to respond to email. Teachers do not have time during the instructional day to respond to emails.
For emergencies, please contact the main office at (703) 242-6100.
Parent Referrals for Evaluations
When parents have questions and concerns regarding their child’s academic, social/emotional, or behavioral development, it is advisable to first address these issues with your child’s classroom teacher. Often times, accommodations or interventions can be easily implemented in the classroom to help your child succeed.
If concerns persist, parents may choose to refer their child to the Flint Hill Local Screening Committee, which consists of the school psychologist, school social worker, special education teacher, a principal or designee, and the classroom teacher. A meeting will be set up on a Wednesday within 10 days of receipt of the referral. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss whether the committee suspects the student has a disability that impacts his/her learning and may be eligible for special education services or require classroom accommodations.
To make a referral, please email Kimi McCool at [email protected].
Volunteers and Service Hours
Flint Hill welcomes parents and family members to volunteer at school. You may sign up with your child’s teacher, or contact the school office, or a PTA board member to participate.
For middle and high school students seeking service hours, please email Amy Williams at [email protected].